Jan 20, 2015

BR 2-12: Stories of Mermaids (Punter, 2005)

'She had a tail instead of legs. - and so did Dan! "Let's try underwater dancing, said Coral."' (p. 47).

This book has three stories. First story is kind and warm mermaid, Harmony. She bravely act to help her sick mother. Second story is about missing pearl. Bad mermaid snatch a great premium pearl from a cheerful mermaid, Marina. She worked hard to get the pearl as premium of seahorse race. Third story is about a pure mermaid Coral. She wanted dancing, but she has only fin. So she asked for give her legs. The limit is a week, she got legs instead of a tail. She fell in love with a man,  but he chose tail and Coral than his legs, so they live happily under the sea. I want to swim under the sea like mermaids.


Punter Rassell. (2005). Stories of Mermeids.
London, England: Usborne Publishing.

[149 words]

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